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Being able to know your brand inside and out is vital for the success of any business. A company needs to address its strengths and weakness in order to make it to the top. For the past four years I have profiled many companies in the Austin area including; Maoz Vegetarian, Yoga Yoga Studios, Birds Barber shop and many more. I came up with stratigies that would make some noise and get them noticed. Check out the Creative Section "My work" tab to find out which of these two companies continued working with me even after the pitches were given.

Events, in my opinion, are some of the best ways to create some buzz within your community. It's more personal than traditional advertising and tends to attract the exact people you need, your target market. My internship at Refugee Services of Texas was centered around their event "Ride for Refuge" so, I was able to experience first hand just how much of a positive impact one single event can bring to a company and a community. learn more about the sucess of this event and the part I played in it under the Internship section of the "My Work" tab

Product Placement is becoming one of the leading trends in the advertising industry, and if done correctly, it can bring in huge rewards. It works and that's all there is to it. Gurrila Marketing is a growing trend as well and when these two are combined, creates the best, cheapest, and most profitable generation of buzz a company could ever imagine. I tend to combine these two strategies when i place a product. See some of these ideas in action in the "My work" tab




 Bernbach, Ogilvy, and Burnett were the catalysts of the creative revolution. They spoke of the "big idea" and "kept it simple". They dove into the psychological mindset of the consumer and began to use that knowlege to actually speak to the consumer, not just talk at them.  In doing so, the industry crafted a  purly magical individual; The Creative. 

To see some of my works of awesomeness check out the Creative Section of the "My works" tab. 

I was brought into my internship solely for this purpose, to promote their event and create an online presence from ground zero. And when I say ground zero I mean ground zero. I started and managed their facebook fanpage, developed and integrated a mailchip direct marketing, youtube, and instagram account. I placed the event onto all of the local online event pages, and even did some traditional flyer placing around the target market hotspots in Austin. These efforts paid off drastically! RST, with the help of online promotions,  raised a whopping 68% MORE this year due to online promotions than they had in the past. Need I say more? probably not. Numbers talk. To see the statistics check out the Internship Section under "My works" 

I have done logos and websites for several different companies over the years and I must say, it's one of the most rewarding things I have done, to see something that I created being used to identify a business for years to come...well there's nothing like it. 

   To see some of my freelance work click on the Creative Section under the "My works" tab. 

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